Where are Warren & Brown Deflecting Beam Torque Wrenches made?
Warren & Brown Deflecting Beam Torque Wrenches are proudly made in Australia, that is why we support them. The entire manufacturing process takes place in Melbourne, Australia, beginning from machining and chroming the metal parts, right through to the assembly and calibration of the torque wrenches.
These deflecting beam torque wrenches are one of the only torque wrenches still made in Australia, with many other torque wrenches now being manufactured overseas and imported into Australia.
Many mechanics will recall first being handed a Warren & Brown Torque Wrench during their apprenticeship and many still swear by this tool. We've heard many say how impressed they are with the craftmanship of the Warren & Brown Deflecting Beam Torque Wrench and they have something unique and special, when compared to mass produced forged tool.
The design of the Deflecting Beam Torque Wrench has barely changed over the last 60 years, which shows, if ain't broke, don't fix it. Whereas others have tried to copy this innovative design, the quality and reliability of these tools is still unbeatable.
That is why we are proud to support this Australian brand and Australian made tool.
To find out more about the deflecting beam torque wrench range, please visit the link below.